I finally had a few spare minutes to finalize the costumes and props I have been using with my students to add a little flair to our Ozobot Bits. I was able to play with these robots over the summer with a group of science camp kiddos who had just completed 2nd-4th grades. As part of our free explore, some students created the Ozo Town you see below.
The town had everything from a bowling alley-the mini bowling pins came with the classroom kit I was using. It was a great way for the kids to practice drawing lines of correct thickness and corners the Bit could navigate. The swimming pools were actually a nice touch because Ozo will cruise around the blue ink enjoying himself until he finds another path to a different part of the city. This was a pre-code lesson so the kids were unaware you could add speed, direction and point codes to their map, but that would be a great addition...more on that lesson to come.
I also let the class dress up their Bits with props and costumes. The donut was also made into a flying UFO as well. The headbands were really easy to jazz up with feathers, sunglasses, googly eyes or superhero masks. What I loved most about these costumes was the fact they didn't damage the Bit. I create templates the kids cut, colored and glued together, however they were able to just wrap around or sit on top of the bots. So no gooey stickers or expensive skins were needed! The kids had a blast creating a costume that matched their personality. I can see holiday costumes in my future too!
I uploaded a few of the costumes we used in class with plans on adding more as I have time. Check out the link below to get a few other ideas.
~Keep It Up Buttercup!
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