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Transferring Schools!

Yep, it's official.  I have left my school district of 11 years and made the move to a smaller district closer to my home.  Why? Because I love my kids and I became a teacher so I could be a part of their lives at school.  My oldest will be starting kindergarten and it was always my hope that we could go to school together and that I could actually see him every day.  I can't wait to pop in his room during a class party or see him perform at an assembly.  Daycare drop off has caused me severe mom guilt for the last 5 years and now I am one step closer to lessening that feeling. 

Thankfully I accepted my new position in January so I had time to plan my move.  Transfering also forced me to declutter and purge all of that accumulated stuff. I set a goal to go through one drawer or crate each week and thoroughly-we're talking literally touching every single piece of paper by the end of each week.  I spent about 30 minutes each week and it paid off because by May when I was ready to start packing, I had made it around the room.

One tip when moving your entire room is to keep your boxes small. In the beginning of my process I was gladly taking all of those giant toilet paper boxes from my janitor.  I would fill it to the brim and then quickly realized that I couldn't even push it to the door let alone pick it up. I'm not a huge person and I did most of the hauling myself so use copy boxes or smaller. I also tried to use bins and crates I already had, they were nice and sturdy. 

Here's a peek at the next room, I'm excited to jazz it up and add some color. Stay tuned for some updates as I unpack.


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